Kids’ orthodontics

Pediatric orthodontist in Boca Raton & Boynton Beach

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children who are 7 and older visit the orthodontist. Taking your child to a pediatric orthodontist is a great way to prevent future issues and ensure their teeth are developing correctly.

Because children have a mixture of baby and adult teeth, a children’s orthodontist can accurately identify potential issues and create a treatment plan to correct them before they become painful or problematic. At Nicolas Orthodontics, we value your child’s dental health, so we offer high-quality pediatric orthodontist treatment in Boynton Beach and Boca Raton, making our services accessible for everyone in the area.

Why choose Nicolas Orthodontics?

When you seek out our pediatric orthodontist, you and your child will experience multiple benefits. In addition to our high-quality services and detailed assessment of your child’s dental health, your pediatric orthodontist can also:

  • Foster positive oral health habits: When your child visits a kids’ orthodontist, they’ll learn about the habits they need to maintain their dental health in the future.
  • Identify potential issues early: Certain dental problems can become painful, and our skilled orthodontists can identify these issues early, preventing a potentially painful experience.
  • Ensure your child is comfortable: Visiting a dentist or orthodontist can be a nerve-wracking experience for a child, but our compassionate staff will go above and beyond to ensure that they’re happy throughout their appointment.
  • Provide age-appropriate care: Our pediatric orthodontists in Boca Raton and Boynton Beach understand that some procedures are inappropriate for children, but they can make recommendations and offer preventative guidance.

We prioritize our pediatric care and ensure that our services put your child's comfort first. We are experts at providing a positive experience and creating a plan to make the most of your child's dental health.

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