Orthodontic before and afters
Before and after
View some of our patient’s impressive before and after smile transformations below. Check out our patient testimonials to learn more about our exceptional patient care!
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This patient sucked her thumb, separating her upper from her lower teeth. At age 8, we started treatment to stop her thumb habit and close her bite. She had sectional braces upper and lower, as well as small “cones” (little pieces of composite that sit on the inside of the incisors as a reminder to help her stop her habit) and rubber bands. After 14 months of treatment, we were able to stop her thumb habit and close her bite.
This patient had a large overjet with the top teeth protruding beyond the bottom, caused by a deficient lower jaw. Over 21 months, we stimulated growth of the lower jaw with rubber bands and appliances, avoiding surgical correction of this issue at a later age.
This patient was bothered by the spacing between her teeth. We used Invisalign® aligners for either months to consolidate the spaces between her teeth and close her bite.
This patient’s underbite before and after shows restriction of the upper jaw growth. A removable appliance with springs (called a KD appliance), then sectional braces were used to correct this patient’s underbite and prevent surgery in the future to bring the lower jaw back.
This patient’s lateral incisors are congenitally missing. She had braces for 20 months to move the canines into the position of the lateral incisors. The canines were then reshaped to look more like lateral incisors.
This patient was 7 when she came had severe crowding of the lower incisors with the lower left lateral incisor blocked out completed towards the tongue. Upper and lower sectional braces were used for 16 months to develop the arches and prevent the extraction of four permanent teeth in the future.